Meal Policies are used when requiring employees
to punch"IN" and "OUT" for
their meal breaks using the <LUNCH> key
on the time clock keypad, and can generate errors
if the meal break is not taken correctly.
Policies can also be configured to automatically
deduct a meal break from your employees' time
and attendance hours totals. This makes it unnecessary
for your employees to punch "IN" and
"OUT" at the time clock for their meal
There are multiple types of Meal Policies to
choose from.
Meal Threshold
A "Meal Threshold" deducts a set lunch
amount from employee hours totals after they have
worked a specified number of hours for the day.
Meal Window
A "Meal Window" uses a specified window
of time during which the meal deduction is taken.
If an employee punches during the specified meal
window, the automatic deduction is overridden,
and the actual punch times are used.
A Meal Window can also be configured to automatically
deduct the remaining lunch amount when an employee
takes less than the required number of minutes.
Meal Shift
A "Meal Shift" policy is similar to
a "Meal Window" policy with one exception.
This policy does not have a specific start and
stop time. The window is dynamically adjusted
based on an "after X hours" setting.
A Meal Shift can also be configured to automatically
deduct the remaining amount when an employee takes
less than the specified required number of minutes.
Floating Meal Window
This type of Meal Policy is used to comply with
the state of California's laws and regulations
concerning employee breaks.
See California
Meal/Break Requirements for more information.
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