Entering Company Information

The Company Information section is where you enter the information specific to your company, as in address, phone/fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.

From the main "Admin" tab, click on "Company Information" located under the Company section of the screen.

  1. The Logo field allows you to upload a company logo image to be printed in the headers of your reports. The optimal file size is 100 x 100. Click on the [BROWSE] icon to select a logo image.
  2. Enter your company's name and address information into the appropriate fields.
  3. Enter any desired phone, fax or e-mail information, as desired.
  4. The Company Code is the code that all users must enter when logging into the TimeForce II system.
  5. Select a Default Culture from the drop-down menu. This setting will specify the Time Zone used throughout the program, as well as language and currency settings. Make a selection in this field for French or Spanish program translations.

Once you have entered the desired company information, click on the [UPDATE] icon at the bottom of the screen.
