Viewing Schedules

Schedules can be viewed by day, week or month. The start dates and displayed employees are configurable.

  1. Click on the main "Schedule" tab, and then on either the [VIEW SCHEDULES] icon in the Schedules section of the screen, or on the "View Schedules" link located in the row of links directly below the main program navigation tabs.
  2. The Schedule View field allows you to select a format for the displayed schedules.

    • Daily: Employee schedules are displayed in a table format with the hours of the day as table columns, and scheduled employees as table rows.
    • Weekly: A weeks worth of schedules are displayed for the selected employees in a calendar format. On scheduled days the shift that the employee is scheduled to work is listed with the shift start and end times.
    • Monthly: A monthly calendar is displayed for each selected employee. On scheduled days the shift that the employee is scheduled to work is listed with the shift start and end times.

  3. Enter the desired Start Date. Click on the icon_calendar.jpg icon to select the date from a calendar. The schedule end date is defined by whether you have selected a daily, weekly or monthly schedule format.
  4. By default, all employees will be included. If you would like to select specific employees only, click on the "Show Employees"  link in the far right of the Employees field. The "Unselected" and "Selected" boxes appear.

    • All of your employees are displayed in the Unselected box. If you would like to display employees from a specific department only, select the desired department from the drop-down menu. To filter the displayed list by the first letter of employee last names, click on the desired letter in the row of links directly below the selection box.
    • From the Unselected box, select each employee that you would like to view and click on the icon_assign.jpg icon. The chosen employees are moved to the Selected box.
    • To remove employees, select the desired names from the Selected box and click on the icon_unassign.jpg icon.
    • Use the Quick Search box to search for employees by first or last name, employee ID, or card number.

  1. If you would like to view schedules for specific Departments only, click on the "Show Departments" link and make the desired selections from the tree-directory that appears.
  2. If you would like to view schedules that have been deleted but retained by the system, enable the Show Deleted Schedules option.
  3. The Sort By field allows you to select how the displayed schedules are listed. Two levels of sorting can be specified. Sort by "Department," "Supervisor," "Last Name," and "Employee ID."
  4. Click on the [VIEW SCHEDULES] icon. The schedules are displayed in the bottom section of the screen.

Screen Output

The format of the information on the screen varies depending on whether you selected "Daily," "Weekly" or "Monthly" schedules.
