Time Clock Profiles

Before the system will be able to communication with your time clock(s), each clock that is to be downloaded must be set up with a Time Clock Profile.

This profile contains the information about your time clock that the system will use to download punches and assign time and attendance hours to employees.

  1. Click on the main "Clocks" navigation tab at the top of the screen.
  2. From the New Clocks section of the screen, click on the [ADD CLOCK] icon. The "Clock" screen opens.
  3. Select your clock Model from the drop-down menu. The contents of the screen changes depending on the model selected.
  4. The Number field is the clock ID. This ID is programmed into the memory of the time clock itself, and can be edited once connection with the Clock Server or ClockLink utility has been established. The default clock number is "1."
  5. Enter the clock Password. This password is also programmed into the memory of the time clock itself, and can be changed once successful communication is established. The default password is automatically populated based on the Model selected.
  6. Enter a Description for this clock as you would like it to appear in the TimeForce II program and utilities.
  7. If you would like to assign this clock to a Clock Group, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.
  8. Click on the link in the Default Department field to assign the clock to a default department level. Select the desired department from the tree-directory that appears. With a default department specified, all "regular" incoming punches at the clock will be assigned to the default level. Any other type of punch (such as department or job overrides and transfers) will use the department specified in the employee's profile, unless otherwise specified at the clock.
  9. Certain clock models allow employees to log in and check accrual totals from the keypad of the clock itself. The policy accessed is defined by the Vacation Time and Sick Time settings specified here.
  10. Depending on clock model, the Upload Schedules option allows you to upload individual employee schedules to the time clock, making it so that employees can only punch at the clock  during the range of time specified in the Schedule Rule that they are assigned to.
  11. Relay events are used with an external bell or buzzer. Put a check mark in the Upload Relay Events option to upload events to the clock. Relay events can be added after the clock profile has been saved.
  12. Select the Time Zone that the clock will be placed in from the drop-down menu.
  13. Make the appropriate selection from the Connection Type drop-down menu. The screen changes slightly based on your selection.

    • Ethernet: Enter the IP Address where the clock can be reached. Remember to use periods. If the clock can only be reached using a specific port number, enter the appropriate port into the Port Number field. Leave this field blank to use the default port.
      Note: These settings are specific to your network setup. Qqest Software Systems cannot supply these settings.
    • Serial Clock: Select the Com Port that the clock is connected to from the drop-down menu. Select "Auto Detect" to have the system automatically determine which port the clock is connected to.
    • Modem Clock: In the Phone Number field, enter the phone number of the line that the clock is connected to. Enter the number exactly as you would dial it into a telephone, including any necessary area code or extension numbers. Do not use dashes or brackets.
      Example: A phone number of (800) 555-4855 would be entered as "18005554855."

  14. The DHCP field appears for "Ethernet" and "Cellular" type clocks. This field is used to denote that the time clock is an OnDemand clock.
  15. Once you have entered the desired clock information, click on the [CREATE] icon to add the profile to the system.

Existing Clock  Profiles

Existing Time Clock Profiles are displayed under the Clock Settings heading. Click on the link in the Number column to edit the profile information. Click on the icon_delete.jpg icon to inactivate the profile. Inactive profiles are not used by the system, but are retained for historical purposes or later reactivation. Click on the icon_delete.jpg icon to permanently remove an inactive profile from the system.

Related Topics

  • See Clock Groups for information on creating groups to assign to your clock profiles.
  • Vacation Time and Sick Time refers to the Accrual Policies that you have set up in the system.
  • Refer to Uploading Time Clock Information for instructions on uploading Relay Events, Allowed Periods, Employees, etc. to the clock.
