Using Layouts to Create Jobs

Layouts are used in the main "Jobs" section of the program. Instead of having to define the settings of a new job individually, a layout is selected which contains the appropriate pre-configured components.

Jobs added using a layout appear in the main Jobs list based on the Job Levels that were used when the layout was created.

  1. Click on the main "Job Tracking" tab, and then on the [JOBS] icon in the Create/Edit section of the screen, or on the "Jobs" link located in the row of links at the top of the screen.
  2. For each Job Level that you have created a layout, a new drop-down field appears. Select the desired layout from the drop-down menu and click on the "Add" link.
    Note: If you would like to create a level 2 or 3 using a layout, select the appropriate parent levels and add the layout from the appropriate box.
  3. Once you click on the "Add" link, the Job Layout section appears at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Each line represents the components included in the Job Layout. The Level is the Job Level that the component is assigned to.
  5. The Name is the setting that will be displayed in your Job List.
  6. Enter a brief Description for each level.
  7. If desired, enter an Export Code. This code is used to transfer Job Tracking information from TimeForce II to an external payroll management program.
  8. Enter a Start Date and End Date, if desired. Click on the icon_calendar.jpg icons to select the desired dates from a calendar.
  9. The Job Number is the number that employees will use to enter punches for this job at a time clock. Each active job number in the system must be unique.

Once you have specified the desired job information, click on the [CREATE] icon. The Job Levels are added to the main Job List.

Related Topics

  • This topic is specific to creating jobs using Job Layouts. Refer to Jobs for full documentation of this screen and its features.
  • Refer to Creating Layout Components for information on creating the components used with layouts.
  • See Creating Job Layouts for information on using components to create layouts.
