This screen allows you to track basic HR information
for your employees.
Click on the main "Employee" tab,
and then on the "HR Info" link located
in the row of links directly below the main program
navigation tabs.
Select the desired Employee
from the drop-down menu. Click on the and icons
to scroll through employees. Use the icon to look for a specific
employee using search criteria.
The following information can be tracked from
this screen.
This section allows you to track information
on general disciplinary incidents.
The date of the incident is recorded, along
with the incident type and rating. Any action
taken, follow-up date and additional comments
can also be specified.
Once an incident has been added to the system,
a document can be attached and uploaded to the
program database.
This section allows you to track information
on recently completed and/or upcoming performance
The due date and completion dates of the review
are entered. The review type and rating can be
specified. The next review date can be selected,
and additional comments added.
Once a review has been added to the system,
documents can be attached and uploaded to the
program database.
This section allows you to enter information
on the employee's schooling.
The employee's graduation date is entered along
with the school attended. A major and degree can
also be specified.
This section allows you to track information
on any relevant certifications that the employee
may have.
The certificate and certification type can be
entered, as well as the certification date and
date of expiration.
This section allows you to track information
on any additional relevant courses the employee
has completed that are not associated with a degree
The course name and status can be entered, as
well as the number of hours and date of completion.
This section allows you to enter information
on any relevant skills that the employee may possess.
Enter a description of the skill, along with
the skill type and level.
Assigned Property
This section allows you to maintain an inventory
of company property that has been issued to the
Enter an item description and serial number.
Select the property group that the item belongs
to, and the date that the item was assigned to
the employee. Specify a returned date once the
item has been collected from the employee.
This section allows you to enter restrictions
for your employees.
Enter a restriction type, and starting/expiration
date for the restriction.