Daily Details

The Daily Details screen shows you a detailed record of punches one day at a time.

Click on the main "Time Card" navigation tab at the top of the screen. The Employee drop-down menu allows you to select the employee who's Time Card you would like to edit. Click on the icon_blue_single_arrow_back.jpg and icon_blue_single_arrow_forward.jpg icons to scroll through employees, or the icon_employee_browse.jpg icon to search for the desired employee.

Highlight the desired date on the Time Card and click on the "Daily Details" link located in the row of links directly above the main Time Card table. The Work Area at the top of the screen.

Each punch for the day is displayed with detailed punch information.

  • The Time column displays the time assigned to the punch.
  • The Punch Time column displays the original date and time at which the displayed punch was created. This will differ from the "Time" setting if the punch has been edited by a supervisor, or rounded by a policy assigned to the employee.
  • The Created Time column displays the date and time at which the displayed punch was created. For example, if you entered a punch for yesterday, today's date and time would be displayed here.
  • The Mode column displays whether the punch is specified as an "IN" or "OUT" punch.
  • The Type column displays whether the punch is specified as a "Normal," "Lunch" or "Break" punch.
  • The Source column displays where the punch came from (as in, a time clock, or direct entry via the software, etc.).
  • The Clock column displays the ID of the clock that the punch was downloaded from (if applicable).
  • If applicable, the IP Address column displays the IP Address that the punch was created from.
  • The Department column displays the department level that the punch is assigned to.
  • The Job and Task columns display the job and task numbers that the employee entered with the punch at the clock (if applicable).
  • The Quantity is any "piece amount" quantity assigned to the punch.
  • Click on the "Deactivate" link to remove the punch from the Time Card, but retain it in the system as "Inactive."
  • The Inactive section displays any punches that have been deactivated. Re-activate a punch by clicking on the "Activate" link. Click on the icon_delete.jpg icon to permanently remove a punch from the system.

Related Topics

  • The punch "Type" can be used in conjunction with the Meal Policies and Break Policies that your employees are assigned to.
  • Punches can be assigned to a Department in the system.
  • The Jobs, Tasks and Quantities assigned to punches are managed from the Job Tracking module of the program.
