Entering and Editing Time Card Information

The purpose of the Time Card screen is to ensure that your employees' punches are correct before they are used to generate pay checks. Every "IN" punch must be accompanied by a subsequent "OUT," and Time Card errors should be reviewed.

Most punch errors are brought to your attention for your information only (such as "Long Lunch" or "In Late" errors). However, some errors (such as "Missed Punch" or "Duplicate Punch" errors) should be corrected before payroll is processed.

The Time Card screen gives you the following methods for adding and editing employee punch data.

Direct Time Card Entry

This method of entry allows you to add and edit punches directly from the Time Card screen of the program.

Enter Punch

Use this method of entry to insert Time & Attendance punches into an employee's Time Card.

Enter Hours

This method of entry allows you to manually insert hours totals to an employee's Time Card which are not generated from "IN" and "OUT" punches.

Enter Absence

This method of entry allows you to insert un-worked (or "Absence") hours into an employee's Time Card.

Enter Disbursement

Use this method of entry to insert any additional dollar amounts into employee Time Cards which are not generated from Time & Attendance punches (such as tips, payroll adjustments, etc.).

Time Card Errors

This functionality displays the error codes assigned to punches on employee Time Cards. It allows you to review the errors and make any necessary corrections before payroll is processed.

Disbursement Details

This feature displays detailed information on the disbursements that exist on employee Time Cards, and allows you to review and edit disbursements as desired.

Daily Details

This screen displays a detailed record of Time Card punches one day at a time.

Allocate Hours

This feature allows users to change the way that their daily hours totals are assigned to Departments, Jobs and Tasks. However, this feature does not allow users to add more Time Card hours than have been recorded for the day.
