Direct Time Card Entry

This topic walks you through editing the punches on your employee's Time Card, as well as manually inserting new punches.

Click on the main "Time Card" navigation tab at the top of the screen. The Employee drop-down menu allows you to select the employee who's Time Card you would like to edit. Click on the icon_blue_single_arrow_back.jpg and icon_blue_single_arrow_forward.jpg icons to scroll through employees, or the icon_employee_browse.jpg icon to search for the desired employee.

Once you have selected the desired employee's Time Card, click on an existing punch to edit it, or on a blank cell in the table to insert a new punch. The Work Area appears above.

Enter or edit the punch information as desired. Only the punch time and date are required.

  • Punch: This is the time of the punch that you are inserting. Remember to specify "AM" or "PM" from the drop-down menu.
  • Date: This is the date of the punch that you are inserting. The date format is mm/dd/yyyy. Click on the icon_calendar.jpg icon to select the date from a calendar.
  • In Punch Date: This is a read-only field that appears when editing an existing punch only, is used with shifts that cross midnight. The displayed date is the date on which the “in” punch for the shift was entered.
  • Do Not Round: Normally, punches on the Time Card will be affected by any rounding policies that the employee is assigned to. Put a check mark in this option if you do not want the system to round this punch.
  • Transfer: This option only appears when inserting a new punch, and is used to define that the punch is to be considered a department transfer. In other words, if the punch is for an employee clocking into a department other than their default department level.
  • Override: Select this option to tell the system to never recalculate hours from this punch into any other type based on the various policies the employee may be assigned to. The punch will remain exactly how you entered it.
  • Type: The punch type specifies whether the punch is a "NORMAL," "LUNCH" or "BREAK" punch. In most cases, a punch type of "NORMAL" is used.
  • Created Date/Created Time: These read-only fields appear only when editing an existing punch, and display the date and time that the punch was entered into the system.
  • Mode: The system automatically determines the in and out order of the punches. However, if you would like to manually specify this punch as "IN" or "OUT," make the desired selection from the drop-down menu. The "AUTO" setting works well for most users.
  • Department: If you want to assign this punch to a specific Department, click on the "No Department" link and make the desired selection from the tree-directory that appears.
  • Job: If you would like to assign this punch to a Job Profile in the Job Tracking module of the program, click on the "No Job" link and make the desired selection from the tree-directory that appears.
  • Task: If you would  like to assign this punch to a Task in the Job Tracking module of the program, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.
  • Notes: Enter any desired notes about this punch into this field. There is a maximum of 150 allowed characters.

When editing a punch, click on the  [UPDATE] icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Work Area to save the changes that you have made. Click on the [DEACTIVATE] icon to deactivate the punch.

For new punches, click on the [CREATE] icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the Work Area.

Related Topics

  • By default, Time Card punches are affected by the Rounding Policies that your employees are assigned to.
  • Unless otherwise specified, punches are assigned to the Department that the employee is assigned to in the system. Departments can be manually specified and the punch can be designated as a "Transfer" punch.
  • Punch Errors can be generated based on the punch settings in conjunction with the Meal Policies and Break Policies that the employee is assigned to.
  • Punches can be assigned to Jobs and Tasks in the Job Tracking module of the program.
