Spreadsheet Hours Entry

Spreadsheet Hours Entry allows you to edit an employee's daily hours totals quickly and easily. Each day in the pay period is displayed in spreadsheet format. The existing Time Card data can be mass-edited, and new hours information can be inserted.

Click on the main "Time Card" navigation tab at the top of the screen. The Employee drop-down menu allows you to select the employee who's Time Card you would like to edit. Click on the icon_blue_single_arrow_back.jpg and icon_blue_single_arrow_forward.jpg icons to scroll through employees, or the icon_employee_browse.jpg icon to search for the desired employee.

Once you have selected the desired employee's Time Card, click on the "Spreadsheet Hours Entry" link located directly below the row of main program navigation tabs.

Screen Layout

The Options section at the top of the screen allows you to define which types of punch information you would like to be displayed in the spreadsheet. Put a check mark in each option that you would like to view.

The date range of the displayed spreadsheet is shown in the Hours header located directly below the Options section of the screen. Click on the icon_black_single_left.jpg and icon_black_single_right.jpg icons to scroll by pay period, or the icon_black_double_left.jpg and icon_black_double_rightt.jpg icons to scroll by month.

The screen is displayed in a table format. Each day in the pay period is separated by a blue header with the calendar date and day of the week shown on the left. The Punched Hours, Allocated Hours and the Difference between the two are displayed on the right.

Each hours total assigned to the day is displayed as a row in the table. Click on the icon_black_plus.jpg icon to add a row for a new hours total. The following information is displayed.
Note: The contents of the spreadsheet screen will vary depending on your selections in the Options section of the screen.

  • The Save option allows you to define that you would like the changes made to this spreadsheet data applied to the employee's Time Card when the [SAVE] icon is clicked. In order for edits made to the spreadsheet to be applied to your employee's punches, this option must be selected.
  • Enter the number of Hours to be inserted into the employee's Time Card.
  • The Start Time field allows you to define the time of day at which you would like the inserted hours on the Time Card to begin. Choose "AM" or "PM" from the drop-down box.
  • Select the Base Pay Code that you would like to apply to this hours total.
  • If you would like the hours total to be subject to overtime rules, select the desired Overtime Pay Code from the drop-down menu.
  • If you would like to assign this hours total to a Shift, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.
  • The Premium Pay Code field allows you to assign the hours total to an accelerated rate of pay. Click on the "Add Premiums" link, and use the selection boxes that appear to assign the appropriate policies.
  • If you want to assign these hours to a specific Department, click on the "No Department" link and make the desired selection from the tree-directory that appears.
  • If you would like to assign these hours to a Job, click on the "No Job" link and make the desired selection from the tree-directory that appears.
  • If you would  like to assign these hours to a Task, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.
  • If you would like to assign a piece quantity to this punch, click on the "Add" icon under the Quantities column, and enter the desired number of pieces.
  • The Worked option displays whether or not this hours total is for hours worked by the employee. An example of unworked hours would be paid time off or a company holiday.
  • The Edited option displays whether or not this hours total has been manually edited.
  • The Pay earned by the employee for this hours total is displayed.
  • Any Notes assigned to the punch are displayed (up to 150 characters).
  • Put a check mark in the Delete option to remove the displayed punch from the employee's Time Card when the [SAVE] icon is clicked.

Applying Spreadsheet Data to the Time Card

Once you have finished editing the employee's time card data on the spreadsheet, click on one of the [SAVE] icons located in either the upper or lower right-hand corners of the screen.

Every entry with the Save option selected is applied to the employee's time card.  Changes made to entries without the Save option selected are disregarded. Hours totals with the Delete option selected are removed from the employee's time card.

Related Topics

  • Hours and earnings totals can be tracked on a departmental basis based on the Department that hours on the Time Card are assigned to.
  • Hours totals can be assigned to a Base Pay Code, Overtime Pay Code, and Premium Pay Codes. Each of these options is configured from the Pay Codes section of the program.
  • Hours totals can be assigned to a Shift in the Scheduling section of the program.
  • Time Card totals can also be tracked by their assigned Job and Task in the Job Tracking module of the program. Quantities are also managed and maintained in Job Tracking.
  • The information used to track employee pay for an hours total is located in the Position and Salary section of the program.
  • The Punched Hours, Allocated and Difference information that is displayed in row headers is used with the Allocate Hours feature.
  • The spreadsheet format can also be used to insert punches into employee Time Cards. Refer to Spreadsheet Punch Entry for more information.
